2013 CruiserFest

by Beau Johnston

Every year cruiser-heads from across the Rocky Mountains, and as far away as Florida, descend on Tooele, UT for a gathering Land Cruisers and Land Cruiser enthusiasts.  This year marked the CruiserFest's fifth anniversary and our first time attending.  After purchasing Betsy-May earlier this year, we were looking for inspiration for our restoration project and there was plenty of inspiration to be found.  Between Greg Miller's Land Cruiser Heritage Museum and the collection of Land Cruisers driven to the event by attendees there was seemingly inspiration around every corner.  Everything from FJ25s to HZJ79 pickups, and nearly everything in between, were on display.

Proffitt's Cruisers FJ45 Troop Carrier - What a great vehicle

There were even a few 70-series Land Cruisers on display in the Show-n-Shine
There is one in every bunch...

Best 'Non-Toyota' of the show

Greg Miller started off the event by talking about the Expeditions 7 trip he put together with Scott Brady.  Greg talked about the logistics of finding the right vehicles for the trip, route planning, and gave an overview of their adventures to date.  I was, literally, on the edge of my seat during his entire presentation.  Man do I love this stuff!  I absolutely love planning trips, driving in our Toyota, meeting new people, and seeing new places.  I hope that I too will one day be able to have an adventure like this!

2013 marked the first year the event offered lectures, classes, and training seminars.  We here humbled to be included in the list of instructors, presenting at this year's event, alongside Kurt Williams/Ryan Davis (Trail Repairs), Scott Brady (Planning an Expedition), and Bruce Dorn (Tips for Adventure Photographers and Filmmakers)!  We were first up with our 'Outdoor Cooking' demonstration.  We had a great group of people attend our demonstration, where we prepared our Chorizo and Black Bean Breakfast Tostada.

Kurt and Ryan's 'Trail Repairs' class was packed.

Greg Miller introducing Bruce Dorn (a Canon 'Explorer of Light')

Bruce Dorn talking about his experience as a professional photographer

Saturday's activities ended with dinner, awards, and this announcement from Shane Williams of FJC Magazine (now Toyota Cruisers and Trucks Magazine).  

I am again humbled by the opportunity to work with some incredibly talented writers, photographers, and travelers!  I am really excited to see where the next few years take Krista and me as we continue to develop Living Overland and now work on the TCT Magazine project.